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Volunteer Information

Volunteer Handbook

Our School’s Mission:  

Through teamwork, we provide opportunities, encouragement, and support for success for all students that go beyond the skills to touch students for life.

Volunteers play an important role in creating a successful school.  This handbook outlines the expectations and guidelines that volunteers must follow to create a safe and successful experience for students and staff.


Our volunteers help our staff and our students in a variety of ways; below is a snapshot of what our volunteers may do while here:

  • Instructional 
    • Tutoring students (per teacher’s instructions)
    • Sight word checks
    • Fluency checks
    • Helping students complete missed classwork or homework
  • Clerical
    • Making copies
    • Creating/Cutting projects for a lesson/unit
    • Filing
    • Designing/Creating Bulletin Boards
    • Laminating
    • Assisting in the library
  • Special Events (sometimes these will be coordinated through PTA)
    • Fall Festival
    • Holiday Meals
    • Dances
    • Family Nights


  • Schedule volunteer opportunities with your child’s teacher or other school staff in advance.  
    • While we appreciate that you are eager to help, please do not show up to volunteer without an arrangement/appointment with your child’s teacher.
  • Be prompt.  
    • When you are scheduled to volunteer, please be on time to avoid any schedule delays.
    • If you cannot make your scheduled time, please call the main office (270-825-6030).
  • Sign in & sign out.
    • All visitors must present his/her valid driver’s license/ID upon arrival.
    • You will receive a visitor badge/pass.  Please keep this visible at all times.
    • When you are ready to leave, please stop by the main office to retrieve your license and return your visitor badge.  At this time, you are to exit the building.


  • Please do not bring other children to the school during your scheduled time as they can be a distraction to others.
  • Be present.
    • Please silence your cell phones, and refrain from making personal calls while volunteering.  
  • Dress appropriately.
  • Restroom Use
    • There is a restroom in the teachers’ lounge for adults to use.  For the safety and privacy of our students, please do not use student restrooms.
  • Follow the school-wide expectations.
  • If you are making copies and need assistance with the copier, please see Ms. Tammy in the main office.
  • Do not interrupt instruction.
    • If you need to talk with the teacher, please wait until he/she is not providing direct instruction.
  • Follow classroom/school expectations
    • Classroom expectations are posted in each classroom.
    • Hallway expectations are posted in the hallway.
    • Common area expectations (cafe, gym, etc.) are posted in those areas.
  • When working with students: 
    • Learn student names as you work with them.
    • If you are working in the classroom, observe the techniques used by the teacher, and try to model those techniques when working with students.
    • Provide positive feedback when working with students.
    • Encourage students to think independently.  Do not give them the answers; help them find the answer.
    • Reinforce good behavior and effort.  If a child is having difficulty behaving, please discuss the situation with the teacher.  You may NOT discipline a student; this is the teacher’s responsibility.
    • Keep students on task.
    • Never leave a student unsupervised.
  • Familiarize yourself with all safety drills and procedures.


  • Volunteers are expected and required to keep all student information confidential — this includes anything that is observed (heard or seen) while volunteering.  
  • The Family Education Right and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) prohibits school personnel and volunteers from releasing any student information without parent/guardian permission.  Student information includes all academic, medical, and personal information.
  • Maintain confidentiality at all times — volunteers should never discuss students with others (including their parents/guardians).  It is the responsibility of the teacher to communicate with the students’ parents/guardians.
  • If a volunteer is concerned about a student, this should be discussed with the student’s teacher immediately.
  • Please do not share/post any pictures of any children (other than your own).  If the teacher asks you to take photos of a classroom event, please share those photos with the teacher so that he/she may share/post those accordingly.


  • Fire
    • Follow the procedure of the room you are in (posted in every room in the building) or ask the nearest staff member.
  • Severe Weather/Earthquake
    • Follow the procedure of the room you are in (posted in every room in the building) or ask the nearest staff member.
  • Lockdown
    • You will hear “LOCKDOWN! LOCKDOWN! LOCKDOWN!” over the intercom.  
      • In a classroom?  Remain there, and follow the teacher’s lead.
      • In a hallway?  Go to the first open door, and follow the staff member’s lead.
      • In the lounge?  Shut/Lock the lounge door; then, go to the lounge restroom, and shut/lock that door.
    • Regardless of where you are, it is imperative that you remain silent, keep calm, and do NOT open any door regardless of who you hear on the other side of it.  Stay where you are until you are cleared by a police officer.